This Is Inc.
Give you all world the neatness of Korean food.
These are the Korean food - ' This Is Inc.'
We are a startup for announcing Korean food abroad.
It's not just because it's ours, because it's fantastic!

We start in the 2018 winter. It was just a tiny group of
3 marketers who like "foods."
We are a 5 million dollar selling company now.
We have faith that growth will go on faster.
We are achieved this with the strength of marketing and design.
And because of product.
Growth was a too great experience for us. -5k to 10
million dollars of sales was a series of challenges, and
We are ready to go to the big stage.

We have a culture of sitting and enjoying side dishes
with rice together. So sidedishes(called 'Banchan') are
very significant to us.

These days when Korean culture has finally blossomed
into the world, We want to share our food culture with
customers worldwide.

Would you help us find great customers who get ready to enjoy Korean local food 'Banchan' with us?

  • Inter alia, We suggest 'Jeotgal.'
    'Jeotgal(salted fish)' is a common ingredient of Kimchi,
    and ancient fermented seafood from many countries.
    And also it's 'Banchan.'
    Simultaneously, It had conjugated as the sauce for cooking.
    Yes. It will be plainly understood if you think about caviar or anchovy.

    We introduce the following among 150 types of 'Jeotgal.'
    and except as 'Banchan.', It has many ways to utilize.
Give you all world the neatness of Korean food.  These are the Korean food - ' This Is Inc.' Give you all world the neatness of Korean food.  These are the Korean food - ' This Is Inc.'
  • Salted Alaska pollock roe(Frozen)
  • Salted Alaska pollock roe
    (Frozen, Seasoned)
  • Salted Squid (Frozen)
  • Salted small octopus (Frozen)
  • Salted pollock intestine(Frozen)
  • Salted small octopus with seasoning (Frozen)
  • Spicy salted flounde r with radish(Frozen)
  • Salted and Spacy oyster(Frozen)
  • Seasoned pollock sashimi (Frozen)
  • Oven-roasted dry pollock slice

Main Products

Jeotgal(salted fish)


Company Introduction

“ Safely serving food that you can trust “

Give you all world the neatness of Korean food.
These are the Korean food - ' This Is eat Inc.’

We are a startup for announcing Korean food abroad.
It's not just because it's ours, because it's fantastic!

We start in the 2018 winter. It was just a tiny group of 3 marketers who like "foods."
We are a 5 million dollar selling company now.
We have faith that growth will go on faster.
We are achieved this with the strength of marketing and design.
And because of product.
Growth was a too great experience for us. -5k to 10 million dollars of sales was a series of challenges, and We are ready to go to the big stage.
  • Response Level
      less than 30%
  • Supplier Level
      5~10 billion (KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5